Jika sudah tidak sabar menonton, berikut adalah daftar lengkap harga tiket konser The Sounds Projects Vol. 5.
- Early Bird (2 Days Pass): Rp300.000.
- Presale 1 (2 Days Pass): Rp350.000.
- Presale 2 (2 Days Pass): Rp400.000.
- Presale 2 (Daily): Coming Soon.
- Reguler (2 Days Pass): Rp500.000.
- Reguler (Daily): Coming Soon.
Seluruh harga tiket The Sounds Projects Vol. 5 belum termasuk pajak 10%. Segera dapatkan tiket di situs web ticket.thesoundsproject.com atau https://kiostix.com/id/event/1670/the-sounds-project-vol-5?is_qb=1&token=431798. (*)
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